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Upcoming Public Events

White Bear Water Ski Company Presentation
6:00 PM18:00

White Bear Water Ski Company Presentation

Join us to hear the story of the White Bear Water Ski Company of Bald Eagle from Dennis Zerwas, Jr. grandson of the company’s founder, Tom Weinhagen. Today these skis and other recreational products are highly sought after collectibles and it all started in White Bear. This is a follow up presentation to the one given in February of 2013.  It will include some new stories and photos. This is one event you don't want to miss!  Seating is limited so be sure to get there early.

FREE event but donations are welcome. This project was funded in part or in whole with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008 which dedicated funding to preserve Minnesota's art and cultural heritage.

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Manitou Days Classic & Vintage Boat Show & Nautical Swap Meet
10:00 AM10:00

Manitou Days Classic & Vintage Boat Show & Nautical Swap Meet

  • Lake Ave S White Bear Lake, MN, 55110 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Be sure to stop by and say "Hi!" at the White Bear Water Ski Company Project booth at this year's Classic & Vintage Boat Show!  Along with some antique waterskis, we have some neat classic and vintage boat photographs featuring the various boats Tom Weinhagen used on Bald Eagle Lake and White Bear Lake.  We will also have W.B.W.S.C. Project T-shirts there for sale as well!

This is a FREE boat show displaying classic, antique power boats and sailboats from the 1930s to the 1970s on land and water.  Located in front of White Bear Shopping Center on Lake Ave S.  Click HERE for more details about this event.  Hope to see you there!  

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