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Hear The Story

Discover the History of the White Bear Water Ski Company


Perfect for Community Groups & Local Associations!

Looking for a unique and engaging presentation to share with your group? Dennis Zerwas Jr., grandson of Tom Weinhagen, the Founder of the White Bear Water Ski Company, brings the story of this iconic local business to life.

What You’ll Experience:

  • A Step Back in Time: Discover White Bear Lake history through vintage photos and films from the 1930s to the 1960s.

  • A Fascinating Local Story: Learn about Tom Weinhagen’s contributions to water skiing and the community.

  • Interactive Q&A: Wrap up with a Q&A session to dive deeper into the stories that interest you most.

Presentation Details:

📽️ Length: 45 minutes

💬 Audience Interaction: Time for questions at the end

📍 Great for: Community groups, history buffs, and Minnesota enthusiasts

Interested in Booking This Presentation?

Click the button below to learn more or schedule an event: