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The Project

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Welcome to the White Bear Water Ski Company Preservation Project!

This project is dedicated to celebrating and preserving the rich history of the White Bear Water Ski Company. Since 2012, we’ve been collecting stories, photographs, and memorabilia about Tom Weinhagen, the iconic company, and the early days of the Bald Eagle Water Club.

Our Mission: Collect, Preserve & Share

Our goal is to gather and share these historical treasures to help keep the legacy of the White Bear Water Ski Company alive. Every photograph, story, and piece of memorabilia adds to the history of White Bear Lake’s water skiing and the passionate community behind it.

Join Us in Preserving This History!

We’d love to hear from you! Don’t be shy, whether you have a picture, film, story, or a special memory, your contribution can help share and preserve this important part of history.

Your stories matter, and we can’t wait to hear them!